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About Us


In January 2000, the Darul Ihsan Centre, then named Research & Education Centre (DIRECT), was established in Kwa-Duguza (Stanger), a town on the North Coast of KZN Province, South Africa by Mufti Zubair Bayat, with the primary objective of the preservation and promotion of the correct message of Islam along with rendering a variety of services to the community.

Due to the increasing needs and requirements of the community, the services of Darul Ihsan needed to be expanded. In December 2004, Darul Ihsan relocated to Sea Cow Lake, Durban.

Presently, the Darul Ihsan Centre Head office is located at Sea Cow Lake, with branch in Phoenix.


One of the key objectives of the Centre is to promote a better understanding of Islam as a religion of peace, thereby serving as a bridge-builder between faiths and communities. The centre strives to serve the Muslim community in particular and the broader community in general. It is guided and managed by qualified Islamic scholars (Ulama) and it aspires to co-operate and network with other organisations for the common good and benefit of humanity.


Darul Ihsan Centre provides a variety of services such as Fatwa, Counselling, Education & Training, Hifz Class, High-School Students Madrasah, Welfare, Ulama Development Programs, Publications, Da'wah, Relief, Mediation & Arbitration, Workshops, Empowerment Programs, Youth Development, Drug Counselling, Seminars, Websites and other related activities.


Darul Ihsan is affiliated to the United Ulama Council of South Africa (UUCSA) South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA), the National Muslim Prison Board (NMPB) the Southern African Ulama Forum (SAUF), South African Hajj and Umrah Council (SAHUC), among others.

Darul Ihsan Ombudsman – Notice to the public

Darul Ihsan Centre was established in the year 2000. The Centre provides free quality services to the community. Since inception, the Centre enjoys the support of well-wishers and the broader community. Due to its rapid growth and expansion, several branch offices were established in various areas of the province and country.

Given the volume of people who seek assistance from the organisation in the form of welfare and other assistance - budgets and policies are in place for the smooth facilitation of dispensation of financial help. Inevitably, there would be instances of individuals being aggrieved with the system or not being given the service in the manner they desire. Click Here for more information



  • Mahr Fatimi: R28687
  • Minimum Mahr: R565
  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

Contact Us

70 Joyce Road
Tel: 031 577 786 8