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Marriage Registration – FREE SERVICE

The Darul Ihsan Humanitarian Centre offers a free service of registration of marriages in accordance with the South African Marriage Act. In terms of the Act, for a marriage union to be recognised and legal, the marriage must be registered by any office of the Department of Home Affairs, or court or an authorised marriage officer appointed by the Department of Home Affairs.

At the Center, Moulana Ahmed Kathrada is a registered Marriage Officer (MO) and is able to register marriages in accordance with the Marriages Act.


For marriage registration purposes, please read carefully the instructions on the “Marriage Registration Details” form and follow the steps thereafter:

a) An Ante-nuptial Contract excluding the accrual system must be drawn by an attorney. Cost in drawing up an ANC Contract may vary (You may contact Darul Ihsan for advice).

b) Both spouses must be South African citizens (possessing the green coded ID Document). Marriage officers are not permitted to register a marriage of any one or both spouses being of foreign origin. In such a case, only the Home Affairs may register the marriage.

c) In the case where any one or both spouses being married (registered) previously, then a court decree of divorcemust be produced.

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  • Mahr Fatimi: R28687
  • Minimum Mahr: R565
  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

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70 Joyce Road
Tel: 031 577 786 8