From the Fatwa Department
Q: I would like to find out if it is fine to give Zakat money for building or renovation of a Masjid?
Q: A parent wishes to gift some jewellry and other assets to his/her children. What is the procedure for the above to be fulfilled correctly?
Q: A parent wishes to gift some jewellry and other assets to his/her children. What is the procedure for the above to be fulfilled correctly?
Q: Can one read Nafl Salah after Asr? For example, a person manages to get a space in Rawdhatul Jannah after Asr.
Q:I understand that one should be in the state of wudhu when touching the Qur’an. However, does one also have to be in wudu to recite the Qur’an e.g. from memory, or if one has downloaded the Qur’an on their mobile phone or computer?
Q: Is it permissible for one to read 2 Rakats Nafl Salah between the Maghrib Azan and Iqamah whilst in Makkah and Madinah, or anywhere else?
Q: Can females wear imitation silver rings? I know there's a difference of opinion (or there may be) about wearing fake gold/silver.
Q: I do not possess the Zakat threshold and at present not required to pay Zakat. Does this automatically mean that I am also not required to perform Qurbani?
Q: Is it permissible for one to read 2 Rakats Nafl Salah between the Maghrib Azan and Iqamah whilst in Makkah and Madinah, or anywhere else?
Q: Is it permitted to do Tawaf on a wheel chair or a golf cart?
Q: With the upcoming elections, Muslims are asking for guidance on whether they should vote? And who should they vote for? Please advise
Q: What is the Iddah period of a divorced woman who removed her womb?
Q: If I have to pray my Salah on my own, do I have to recite Surah Fatiha and a Surah aloud for Fajr, Maghrib & Isha Salahs?
Q: If a person is making wudhu and the feet cannot be washed at the same time, can the feet be washed at a later time?