Online Donations

Welcome to our DONATE ONLINE page.

You can donate in 3 easy steps:

1. Fill in the donation details below

2. Confirm the amounts

3. Process payment on a secure / encrypted website (SAGE Pay)

Donor Details

Your Name: *
Your Email: *
Phone No: *

Donation Details

Lillah R (Required for operating costs of the organisation)
Zakah R (Appoint us to distribute your Zakah on your behalf)
Feeding R (Funds used for various feeding schemes and projects)
Sponsor a Blanket R (R130 per blanket - Distributed in winter and emergency situations)
Sponsor a Kajoor Pack R (R35 per pack of 1kg - Distributed for Ramadan)
Sadaqa Jariya R Madrasah Bag, Boreholes, Quran Desk, Sponsor a Student, etc. (Lillah Only)
Relief R On going relief operations

وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ مَاذَا يُنْفِقُونَ قُلِ الْعَفْوَ

(People) ask you what they should spend (as Sadaqah). "Tell (them) what they can spare". (i.e.) what is in excess of their requirements). (Al-baqarah: 219)