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Masjid Posters

Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “Learn the Quran from 4 people: Abdullah bin Masood, Saalim the freed slave of Abu Huzaifah, Ubay bin Ka’b and Muaaz bin Jabal (Radiyallahu Anhum).” (Bukhari)

Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radiyallahu Anhu) was given the title of Al Atqa in the Qur'an Shareef in Surah Al Lail. Allah Ta’ala says,

Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “I have been sent to perfect good character.” (Bukhari)

Salah is purposed to create discipline in our lives. Hence, the observing of postures in Salah must be done with calmness and composure. Not completing the postures in the prescribed manner causes deficiency in Salah and diminishes the effect and reward of Salah. Such a person is considered to be a thief of Salah.

Being mindful of those around you involves cultivating awareness, empathy, and consideration for others' thoughts, feelings, and needs.

Islamic business ethics are guided by principles derived from core teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah. These principles emphasise fairness, justice, honesty, and accountability in all business dealings.

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  • Minimum Mahr: R565
  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

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