Q: What is the Iddah period of a divorced woman who removed her womb?
Q: When a man divorces his wife, is he still required to her nafaqah (maintenance) and how much, as well as shelter?
Q: If a husband gives talaq to wife, what’s the ruling in Shariah? Does the wife have to return the gift to the ex-husband or does it belong to her?
Q: If a man marries a woman who has not sat for her Iddah, will the Nikah be valid?
Q: There's a question that has been bothering me for a while. If Allah Ta'ala is so merciful that when we turn to Him in sincere repentance, He forgives us and there is forgiveness for everything.
Q: Is one Talaaq sufficient to end the marriage or is it necessary for the husband to give three?
Q: If a husband and wife lived apart for more than four months, is it necessary to remarry before being together again?
Q: If the word Talaaq is announced three times out of sheer anger. Is it valid ?
Q: I am a Muslim living in the USA. After 20 years of marriage my wife has filed a divorce case in one of the civil courts here. I am not willing to give her divorce but she is insisting on this. What would be the position of this court divorce according to Muslim law?
Q: Does a remarried divorcee have a right over her children from the previous marriage? The former husband claims that she waived her custodial rights by remarrying -- and that the boys will remain with him.