Q: I wanted to know which Surah can be read at a Nikah for Barakah (blessings)?
Q: Is there hadith encouraging or discouraging first maternal and or paternal cousins to marry each other?
Q: A Muslim boy and girl committed zina (fornication) resulting in the girl falling pregnant. Both have realised the gravity of their error, and want to perform Nikah as soon as possible. Will the child to be from this relationship be legitimate?
Q: Can a husband bury his wife and is he allowed to see her face? I heard the Nikah breaks and the husband is not allowed to see her face.
Q. Can a man go about looking for a wife himself via internet and talks to her on the mobile for marriage purposes? In marriage what questions can a man and a lady ask each other?
Q: I’m getting married soon, and I would like to know what are the prerequisites for a Walimah to take place? Does the Nikah have to be physically consummated? What period of time should there be between the Nikah and the Walimah? Will the Nikah and Walimah be invalid if the marriage isn’t physically consummated?
Q: Is it permissible for the wife to ask her husband for his phone and or computer password if she is suspicious about him?
Q: Is it allowed for a Muslim female to reveal her hair to a prospective proposal for marriage? Shukran
Q: My husband's cousin is getting married to a non-Muslim boy. The Nikah will be performed a week before the non-Muslim ceremony.
Q: Does a divorced woman who has now remarried have a right over her children from the previous marriage? The former husband claims that she waived her custodial rights by remarrying - and that the boys will remain with him. Please provide guidance.
Q: I would like to know if a wife is allowed to take on her husband’s surname?
Q: Is there any significance in that a husbands time after Esha is for his wife?
Q: We want to make a secret Nikah ?
I am a student and want to know if a secret nikah is valid in Islam? I am interested in a boy and he is also a student and are told we can only marry after studies which is in a few years. Will making nikah to stay away from sin be the right way to go ?
Q: When a women makes dua for a husband, what were the qualities that she should ask for in a husband? Is it wrong to make dua to be married to someone who is rich? What ARE the qualities that she should ask for in a husband?
Q: Please advise me on what type of wedding rings for males are allowed.