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Al Ihsan Skills Academy

ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ with the grace of اَللہ تَبارَک و تَعالیٰ, a large number of the graduates of AISA have found employment. As a matter of fact, some have even initiated their own facilities and are providing a service to the community at large.

At the time of launching its first PROGRAMME, AISA did not envisage the “desperate hunger and thirst” among the unemployed for more and more Skills Development Packages. As you might already be aware, offering SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES are quite expensive.

It is against this backdrop that AISA seeks financial assistance, which until now has carried the can. AISA is fully cognizant of the fact that your Charitable Trust is four-square behind any SELF-EMPOWERMENT and SKILLS DEVELOPMENT among the unemployed segment of our deprived community.

Please do consider AISA’s appeal for funding in a kind, but serious light. The need and demand for the various humanitarian and empowerment projects is growing by the day.

AISA launched its very first Course / Project in 2016. ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ we began with the “Caregiver Course” at the DHC Overport Office, Gem Towers, in Overport. ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ, since inception, the Projects have grown by leaps and bounds --- and this, despite the economic and multiple other challenges.

Currently AISA has 07 (seven) venues throughout KZN, viz.: -

1. Dannhauser;
2. Ladysmith;
3. Pietermaritzburg;
4. Damat (South of Durban);
5. Mt. Vernon (North of Durban);
6. Overport: and
7. Tongaat (North of Durban).

By the grace of اَللہ تَبارَک و تَعالیٰ the Al Ihsan Skills Academy (AISA), based in West Road, Overport was selected as a “model”. It is AISA’s hope to replicate this “model” at the other venues, إنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ.

Thus far, AISA has planned, prepared, organised and presented the following courses, viz. the: -

1. Caregiver Course;
2. Fashion and Design Course {Basic & Advanced};
3. Computer Literacy Course {Basic & Advanced};
4. Cook and Bake Course.
5. Selected Confectionery Courses, viz. Pastry Making, Sweetmeats, Desserts, Savouries, Cake Decoration and Wedding Cakes; and
6. Al Ihsan Remedial Programme for Reading Difficulties. (New Course)

Except for the Caregiver Course which takes ten (10) students per Course, all other courses teach and train five (05) students per Course. Each Course runs for between one (01) and two-and-half months (02½). In order to attract our high school pupils, the Computer Literacy Course is offered on Saturdays.

With the objective of maintaining high standards, applicants are expected to, inter alia: -

1. have obtained a matric pass;
2. write an AISA-aptitude test; and
3. present themselves for a brief interview.

It is only after having gone through these three (03) pre-enrolment- phases, is the decision for their enrolment taken. The same procedure applies to all the Courses. At this juncture it is important to note that, if a suitable applicant is unable to afford the course-fee, the first course is offered free to such an applicant.

All current SELF-EMPOWERMENT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES are offered for females ONLY. However, AISA is totally mindful of the fact that the “jobless males” also require SKILLS DEVELOPMENT. إنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ, plans are afoot, to introduce certain SELF-EMPOWERMENT courses for the males, e.g.: -

1. a general tradesman course;
2. a basic plumbing course;
3. a basic carpentry course;
4. etc.

DHC AISA’s, main Vision and Mission is, inter alia, to: -

1. provide appropriate skills to the selected students;
2. ensure that they are equipped with adequate competency in their chosen skills;
3. enable them to perform their tasks in a commendable manner;
4. uplift the “ailing segment” of our society; and
5. develop a sound level of self-esteem in the students.

These are the main factors and reasons why the DHC relentlessly strives and makes the effort to find the necessary “means” in order to make people “self-reliant” and proud South Africans.

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  • Mahr Fatimi: R28687
  • Minimum Mahr: R565
  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

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Tel: 031 577 786 8