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Fatwa Department

As Muslims, we believe that Islam is a complete way of life. We also believe that Islam has the solution to every problem that we face. One of the ways for Muslims to know about the matters concerning this pristine religion and the ways to practice it, is to ask the learned. Allah Ta'ala commands us in the Noble Quran thus: "…ask the People of the Book if you do not know." (Sura Ambiya; verse 7) In this regard, the Fatwa Department of Darul Ihsan is fulfilling the above need.

Darul Ihsan's Fatwa Department is manned by Mufti Shafique Jakhura  who is a graduate of Darul Uloom Karachi and a student of Mufti Taqi Usmani (db), under whom he studied Iftaa and by Mufti Muhammad Mangera who is a graduate of Taleemud Deen and a student of Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (db). Mufti Zubair Bayat and others assist in this department as well.

Thousands of questions are directed to the Darul Ifta via a constant stream of email, fax, letters, skype, sms, telephone calls and personal visits.

  • Approximately 1600 per year.
  • Selected Fatawa are uploaded to Darul Ihsan's Website for public benefit.
  • Numerous hours are spent in mediation & arbitration of family, business and other disputes.
  • Telephonic and sms queries are replied to on an ongoing basis.
  • Research is carried out on contemporary issues and responses are given.  
  • The Fatwa Department also provides guidance on Islamic Estate Planning, drawing up of Wills and the issuing of Share Certificates for deceased estates.
  • The Darul Ifta also co-ordinates the Islamic Economics Forum (IEF) whose primary objective is to enable participants in the Islamic finance industry and scholars of the field to engage in productive and constructive discussion concerning the theory, practice, structure as well as the future direction of Islamic economics, commerce and finance in South Africa and on a global level. The Forum comprises of young Ulama in the field of Islamic Finance, as well as accountants and lawyers working in this field.

The key functions of The Forum may be summarised as follows:

1. Encourage, support, promote, plan and organise educational initiatives in the field of Islamic Economics through journals, articles, books, publications, seminars, courses, workshops and other educational initiatives

2. Discuss contemporary issues relating to Islamic finance, commerce and economics

3. Co-ordinate communication between key role players in the field

4. Identify and track rising trends, latest innovations and developments in the market

5. Address challenges facing the industry through viable and workable solutions

6. Highlight international issues affecting the local industry

7. Work towards convergence of Shariah interpretation and implementation

8. Assess the long-term impact of Islamic Banking on the community

9. Promote businesses based on Islamic principles

Key points:

  • Numerous questions received by phone, email, fax, sms and people
  • Approximately 1600 Fatwas issued
  • Mediation carried out extensively of disputes
  • Wills and Estate issues guided in accordance with Islamic Law
  • IEF to address and research contemporary Islamic Economic and financial issues



  • Mahr Fatimi: R28687
  • Minimum Mahr: R565
  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

Contact Us

70 Joyce Road
Tel: 031 577 786 8