Q: Does missing the Khutbah affect the validity of Jumu’ah?
A: One should make an ernest effort to arrive early for Jumu’ah. The earlier one arrives the greater the reward.
The Khutbah is an essential part of the Jumu’ah Salah. Some scholars explain that the Jumu’ah Salah consists of two Rakats in acknowledgment of the Khutbah's significance.
It is compulsory(Wajib) to attend the Khutbah. However, if someone misses the Khutbah and joins the Jumu’ah Salah afterward, the Jumu’ah Salah would be valid, but, they should make Tawbah (repent) and seek Istighfaar (forgiveness) for missing it. They should also make a firm intention to avoid missing the Khutbah in the future.
And Allah Knows Best
Darul Ihsan Fatwa Dept.