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Can Zakat be used to build a Masjid?

Q: I would like to find out if it is fine to give Zakat money for building or renovation of a Masjid?

A: In order for Zakah to be fully discharged, it is necessary for an eligible recipient to obtain unfettered ownership (Tamleek) of the Zakah amount. Using Zakah for the construction or maintenance of a Masjid does not fulfil this criterion because there is no individual recipient to take ownership of the amount. Hence, it is not valid to give one’s Zakah in such an avenue. The Zakah will not be discharged.

And Allah Knows Best
Darul Ihsan Fatwa Dept.

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  • Mahr Fatimi: R28687
  • Minimum Mahr: R565
  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

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